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  • S.V.R.


There is no doubt that Galicia has extraordinary architectural richness, particularly, if we bear in mind the outstanding diversity of dolmens, a mere glimpse of the significant Neolithic funerary culture found in the region.

In Coruña, if you wish to visit a dolmen, an awesome choice is Tordoia, located in the parish of Cabaleiros. This region can show off their rich heritage as there lies The Witch´s House. This is what the locals call “their dolmen”. Once upon a time a witch from a faraway land is said to have held an immense slab over her head while weaving a dress.

This relic is one of the best preserved in Galicia and it is dated from 3000BC. It was declared artistic historical monument in 1975 and more and more people are captivated by its spellbinding call effect, consequently, guided visits are soaring considerably.

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